Monday, February 8, 2010

Latest Post

Normally the first post of a blog is titled "First Post" or "I'm Finally Here" or "This is My Blog" blah, blah, blah. Since this is something like my fifth or sixth attempt at blogging I don't feel that it would be very honest of me to name this post in the 'normal' manner. Instead this will be a brief overview of things to come and what to expect in future readings.
First off, I am not a very serious person. I believe that life is too short to take everything serious so we should all point and laugh when something is funny. I hate the thought of political-correctness and all the evil that is associated with such craptastic thoughts. Don't tell me what to think or how to state my thoughts and I won't poke with you with sharp, pointy things. If you are offended by words that I say or use then you really shouldn't drive in Dallas or anywhere near me for that matter you little cry-baby. Get over it and STFU! If you are old enough to have a driver’s license then you are old enough to get cussed out and flipped off for being an idiot while on the highway!
I love to cook and watch the local sports teams so you will read some rants about the Cowboys and the Stars interspersed with some tales of food and drink. While this blog is not going to be an adult oriented one the language that spills into some of these posts may not be overly kid-friendly especially during football and hockey season. There could also be some links in my blogroll that are not appropriate for youths or prudes either. Best rule of thumb is that if you're not sure then don't click on it! Pretty much like anywhere else on this magical internet thingy... not everything is meant to be clicked upon.
I will try to post once a day but sometimes that is not going to happen. You never know what will splash across the screen though so hopefully this "Boring Blog" will be somewhat entertaining.